Business Plan- The Secret to Success


Ashwin J. Baliga
Lewlyn L. R. Rodrigues


 A business plan is a must for every business whether it's a start-up or a business planning for an expansion. It plays a vital role in identifying the probable, the unforeseen opportunities and the forthcoming hurdles so as to sail well through business unique competitive environment. Making a business plan is an extremely focused activity. In simple words it can be well-defined as a business functioning on the paper. A business plan involves truthful thinking of the business concepts, the opportunities, and the recipes to be successful and most importantly the team that will be involved. The paper consists of a section that explains the typical elements which should be there in a plan and as to why it is needed. It also demonstrates how a good business plan can be used as a tool for a start-up firm's or businesses planning expansions so as to achieve the objectives or at times even outshine them.


How to Cite
Baliga, A. J., & Rodrigues, L. L. R. (2015). Business Plan- The Secret to Success. The International Journal of Business & Management, 3(4). Retrieved from