An Analytical Study on Financial Assessment of Sky-Hi Enterprises (India) Private Limited through Trends


G. Santoshi


The present study was to find the financial position of Sky-Hi Enterprises (India) Private Limited for four years i.e. from 2011 to 2014 through trend analysis, a part of financial statement analysis. Trend analysis is performed through analysis of reported financial information by using different accounting tools and techniques. Trend analysis was performed on financial statements of Sky-Hi Enterprises (India) Private Limited. For this purpose I had used secondary data to analyze trend of various variables. The objective was to verify if there are significant differences between the base year 2011 and current years 2012, 2013 and 2014.The variables used for the trend analysis are Total Revenue, Total Expenses and Profit after tax, Earnings per Share, Shareholders Funds, Currents Assets and Current liabilities. The results of the study found that the performance of the company was satisfactory with the variables which have been undertaken and the company is utilizing its resources effectively.


How to Cite
Santoshi, G. (2015). An Analytical Study on Financial Assessment of Sky-Hi Enterprises (India) Private Limited through Trends. The International Journal of Business & Management, 3(4). Retrieved from