Role of Store Atmospherics in Patronage Intention of Indian Fashion Apparel Buyers


Brishti Panna
Shikha Gupta


Would not be easy for stores to profit if they have customer who patronage their stores. Most of the retail stores are struggling to figure this out by analyzing the different component of their business. Store atmospherics is one of the important contributing factor to attract and somewhat profit for the retail industry for being roughly considered as a service industry. The organized retail sector is continuously growing and so is the fashion apparel sector with the competition. Along with that the consumer disposable income is also growing. In this situation it should not be wrong to anticipate that a properly arranged and designed store atmospherics can not only capture but can possibly help to retain and create new customers. But the question remains how. To develop this element as competitive advantage or even to take advantage from it is crucial to understand the phenomenon and its impact in a particular field. This study aims to understand that the store atmospherics have what role to play when it come to patronage intentions particularly of Indian fashion apparel customers. Through this it is also subjected that the research will help the retailers to provide better, customer to receive better and a contribution for academicians for a comparative study.


How to Cite
Panna, B., & Gupta, S. (2015). Role of Store Atmospherics in Patronage Intention of Indian Fashion Apparel Buyers. The International Journal of Business & Management, 3(6). Retrieved from