The Role of Christian Churches in Entrepreneurial Stimulation


Victor Shumba


Despite researchers' little interest on the role of church organizations on entrepreneurial stimulation this concept paper seeks to highlight the importance of religion in particular Christian church organizations in spreading not only the gospel of Jesus Christ but that of business formations or simply put entrepreneurship. Drawing inferences mainly from Christian denominations in Zimbabwe and the United States, the key roles they play in the arousal of the entrepreneurial appetite include education, creation of social and business networks, gospel on prosperity, contribution to the literature bank, business seminars and role modeling. While the effect of these deliberate efforts on entrepreneurial stimulation and orientation is commendable and evident it remains debatable whether the church members use these interventions at their disposal to create viable businesses. Undoubtedly though, the entrepreneurship development agenda will never be the same if the documented church efforts are understood and complemented by other partners. The question that needs further probe is whether fervent church goers are better entrepreneurs than those that do not go to church.


How to Cite
Shumba, V. (2015). The Role of Christian Churches in Entrepreneurial Stimulation. The International Journal of Business & Management, 3(7). Retrieved from