The Practices and Process of Strategic Differentiation in the Emergence of New Organizational Capabilities: An Analysis of the Launch of New Services


Suelen Alice da Silva Zacharias


This study contributes perspectives on emergence of new organizational capabilities by analyzing practices involved in launching new services in pursuit of market differentiation. Companies and enterprises can benefit from insights of this study. The possibility of mapping practices, understand them holistically, and separating them into basic enabling practices, provides the company an opportunity to define areas that require change and areas that can be exploited to give competitive advantage. Enabling practices allow managers to develop outcomes and insights into new capabilities. The study empirically examines organizational practices of a Brazilian television and Internet media company in implementation of strategic differentiation and adaptation of organizational activities, skills, and dynamic capabilities to achieve competitive advantage. The research methodology is qualitative using company interviews and official media materials.



How to Cite
Zacharias, S. A. da S. (2015). The Practices and Process of Strategic Differentiation in the Emergence of New Organizational Capabilities: An Analysis of the Launch of New Services. The International Journal of Business & Management, 3(8). Retrieved from