Human Resource Strategies for the International Manager


Janaí­na Carneiro da Silva


International HR Management is a complex activity that must be carrying out by those responsible for attract, select, trainer, motivate and develop people inside a Multinational Organization.

However it's often identified that Management failures in sustainable maintain its human resources capable of develop its role efficiently.

With the grow of Multinational Organizations all over the world it urges to look at specifically HR roles on successfully undertake their responsibility more than ever, as the cost to repatriate it is a enormus burn with pain for peoples live. 

This paper exams why do international HR management failures in MNE's, identify and suggests steps that MNE's can take in order to overcame management failure.

Basically the suggestions focused on a more attempt and strategic pre-assignment additional to a carefully and close follow up of its expatriates.


How to Cite
Silva, J. C. da. (2015). Human Resource Strategies for the International Manager. The International Journal of Business & Management, 3(8). Retrieved from