Need for Social Entrepreneurship "An Act of Reformation”


Rebecca Natrajan


‘'Whenever society is stuck or has an opportunity to seize a new opportunity, it needs an entrepreneur to see the opportunity and then to turn that vision into a realistic idea and then a reality and then, indeed, the new pattern all across society. We need such entrepreneurial leadership at least as much in education and human rights as we do in communications and hotels. This is the work of social entrepreneurs.''

Bill Drayton Founder of Ashoka: Innovators for the Public Due to globalization  the way of doing the business is changing, Customers no longer required to be the prisoners  and don't want to be part of commercial minded masters, rather they want  than some one who addresse their issues for the betterment of society .In order to bring  these kind of  changes there is a need for an entrepreneur not an ordinary entrepreneur but social entrepreneur. Social entrepreneurship is an act of finding innovative solutions to the normal social problems. They are there for the  reformation of a better society.  Even though Social Entreprneurship concept gained  more popularity at this point of time , still  the knowledge towards social Entrepreneurship is lacking. These social Entrepereneurs shares the common traits but their motive is not monetary and they are not existing just for profit but for a transformation which leads to a reformation of the society's way of thinking  to achieve innovative solutiuons to the normal social Problems. These social Entrepreneurs  were ready to face and gather the resources without depending upon the government  to  add value to the society.


How to Cite
Natrajan, R. (2015). Need for Social Entrepreneurship "An Act of Reformation”. The International Journal of Business & Management, 3(8). Retrieved from