Compliance with Procurement Plans and the Achievement of Value for Money in Public Procurement


Faustine Panga
Alban Mchopa
Isaac Kazungu


This study centered on investigating the Compliance with Procurement Plan and achievement of Value for Money by using a non monetary assessment approach. Cross sectional research design was used where by data was collected from Moshi Municipal Council by using survey questionnaire, key informants interview and documentary review.  It was observed that different actors with different levels of participation are involved in the preparations of annual procurement plans. However, some of the actors do not play their roles effectively such as timely submission of planning inputs to the Procurement Management Unit. Also, the study revealed unsatisfactory involvement of different user departments in preparation of plans, thus integration of diverse range of ideas is inadequate.  This has resulted into delays in the preparation and implementation of the plans as well as delivery of expected goods, works or services which in turn has impaired the achievement of value for money. 


How to Cite
Panga, F., Mchopa, A., & Kazungu, I. (2015). Compliance with Procurement Plans and the Achievement of Value for Money in Public Procurement. The International Journal of Business & Management, 3(11). Retrieved from