Impact of Effective Employee Performance Management on Organizational Productivity: A Study of Anambra State Civil Service System, Nigeria


Mgbemena, Gabriel C.
Mbah, Stella I.
Ejike, Daniel C.


This study examined the impact of effective employee performance management on organizational productivity using the civil service of Anambra State, Nigeria as case study. Being a survey design, an item structured instrument developed by the researcher to reflect such options as strongly agree, agree, undecided, disagree and strongly disagree popularly referred to as five point likert scale, was used to elicit information from the respondents. From a population of 1789 senior civil servants in the state, a sample of 327 was determined using Taro Yameni's statistical formula. The major statistical tool of analysis was analysis of variance (ANOVA). All tests were carried out at 0.05 level of significance. Major findings of the study were that transparent performance appraisal process affects employee performance positively and significantly. It was also revealed that cordial labour-management relations enhance organizational productivity significantly. The study found also that selective disciplinary measures administration in an organization is a drawback on employee's performance. Similarly, training and development was found to be positively and significantly related to employee performance. It was concluded that effective employee performance management is desirable in any organization to facilitate efficient and effective performance of the employees towards the realization of organizational goals. The study recommended that workers performance appraisal process should be made as transparent as possible so that employees may be motivated to put up better performance, among other recommendations.


How to Cite
C., M. G., I., M. S., & C., E. D. (2015). Impact of Effective Employee Performance Management on Organizational Productivity: A Study of Anambra State Civil Service System, Nigeria. The International Journal of Business & Management, 3(11). Retrieved from