Influence of Perceived Service Quality on Patient Satisfaction of Private Hospitals in Jalandhar


Shabnam Gulati


In today's competitive environment, private hospitals are accomplishing a marvelous growth particularly in India. Quality Health care conveyance is a pivotal indicator in measuring the development challenges of each nation The study examined the influence of perceived service quality on patient satisfaction at the three private hospitals in Jalandhar. Apex Hospital, Patel Hospital and Orthonova Hospital are the leading private hospitals in the city of Punjab i.e. Jalandhar. Patient satisfaction measured by taking consideration at human aspects of service (Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance and Empathy) with one and only component of the instrument being given to the non-human part of care rendered (Tangibility). This study also aims to investigate the influence and the relative importance of the five perceived service quality dimensions on patient satisfaction. The Servqual instrument has five main dimensions that were measured by 22 sets of statements. Data was collected using closed ended Servqual questionnaires. Of the total 240 questionnaires conveyed 210 were completed, returned and analyzed. Descriptive analysis, Correlation, Multiple Regression analysis, one-way ANOVA and One sample t-test techniques were employed for the analysis of the study. Findings indicated that the expectation scores were significantly different from perception scores at the p < 0.05. All the service quality differences (Service Quality= Expectation score – Perception score) were positively scored which demonstrated that the patients were not satisfied in all perceived service quality dimensions provided by the private hospitals in Jalandhar. Of the five dimensions Empathy had the largest service gap followed by Tangibility and Responsiveness e.g. personal care, physical appearance and prompt service.


How to Cite
Gulati, S. (2015). Influence of Perceived Service Quality on Patient Satisfaction of Private Hospitals in Jalandhar. The International Journal of Business & Management, 3(11). Retrieved from