Woman Entrepreneur – The Role Men Play in Their Success


Tripti Bisawa
Manisha Parnami


The paper performs an analysis of the past and current women entrepreneur position in the world, specifically in India. A thorough study is conducted on how women became an integral part of the economy in India, along with discussing the constraints and challenges that they faced earlier on and still do today.The scenario in present was also discussed that has changed from a few decades ago and how things could be made better, to enhance this huge workforce that is still underemployed.

The reasons why women did and do want to enter the entrepreneur economy are discussed with figures that explain their exact position and area of economy that they largely cover. Lastly, the role of men in enhancing the role of women entrepreneur is discussed, which is highly important as many parts of the world and specifically India is a male dominant society.


How to Cite
Bisawa, T., & Parnami, M. (2015). Woman Entrepreneur – The Role Men Play in Their Success. The International Journal of Business & Management, 3(9). Retrieved from https://internationaljournalcorner.com/index.php/theijbm/article/view/137916