Online Shopping: A Survey on Consumer's Perception


M. M. Goyal


Online shopping is catching up in India due to several reasons. Several studies have been conducted in different countries to discover the facilitators of online shopping and issues related to it.  The current study explores few researches related to online shopping. The focus is on India and growth of e-tailers in India. Growth and innovations by online retailers have created tough competition for the offline players. The study presents findings of a survey conducted on 113 Indian shoppers regarding their online purchases. The survey reveals the most popular categories purchased online, issues in onlione shopping and the trends in online shopping. The study discusses about success of e-retailers in India and concludes with recommendations for the marketers based on the findings of the survey.


How to Cite
Goyal, M. M. (2014). Online Shopping: A Survey on Consumer’s Perception. The International Journal of Business & Management, 2(11). Retrieved from