The Relevance of Work-Life Balance in India in Present Scenerio


Ritika Ahuja


Currently, in the Indian context, the concern over work life balance is a pertinent issue. Today's scenario is marked by the fast changing environment, intensive pressures ,greater use of technology, high professionalism and greater work stress. Today's age consists of many working fathers and mothers whose main aim is to find a "proper fit and balance”  between work and family. When these employees go home, they should not carry any and work stress with them. This concept of Work-life balance has a deep and everlasting impact on employees attitudes & behaviours as well as on organisational effectiveness.

Thus, it is a challenging issue for all the HR managers , leaders and researchers. The organisations must aim to provide such a practical & workable work –life balance policies and environment to its employees that meets the needs of both the organization as well as its employees. Also, merely,the creation of such policies will not help, until such an organisational culture is fostered that supports the use of such policies. Thus, this research paper is an attempt to study the work-life balance issues in detail and focuses on the initiatives and strategies adopted by the organisations and employees to balance their work and life interface. This paper is an attempt against the highly augmenting working hours and work pressures and also deals with the problems that the employees have to face , especially in India where the families are given the top priority.


How to Cite
Ahuja, R. (2018). The Relevance of Work-Life Balance in India in Present Scenerio. The International Journal of Business & Management, 2(12). Retrieved from