The Effects of Road Traffic Congestion on the Efficiency of Freight Logistics: A Survey of the Port of Mombasa


Peter Kinaro Muchori


Mombasais the second largest city in Kenya. Lying on the Indian Ocean, the city has a major port and an international airport which makes it the logistics hub of Eastern Africa. With a history spanning many centuries, including when dhows called on the north side of Mombasa Island, Mombasa is today the premier port of call in the East and Central Africa region handling about 24.87 million tons of cargo in 2014 including 5.262 million tons of transshipment. As Kenya's biggest and busiest seaport, Mombasa is the doorway to a vast hinterland where people depend on agriculture for their livelihood. It serves Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, the Democratic Republic of Congo, South Sudan, Ethiopia, Somalia and northern Tanzania. The upward trend in the use of road transport as a result of increase in trade volumes and passengers has put Mombasa's road infrastructure under pressure leading to road congestion. The existing logistics operations in Mombasa are strained by rising traffic levels, which slows down freight movement and business activity. Congestion on roads in particular is a frustration for business, as freight deliveries, commuters, and business travelers lose time stuck in traffic. The traffic jams have become a daily routine, delaying movement of goods and people leading to massive losses. The uncertainty brought by congestion impacts on the efficiency of freight logistics operations, which, along with tourism form the backbone of the city's main economy activities. This study examines the effects of road traffic congestion on freight logistics efficiency at the port of Mombasa and gives recommendations to help mitigate the negative effects.


How to Cite
Muchori, P. K. (2015). The Effects of Road Traffic Congestion on the Efficiency of Freight Logistics: A Survey of the Port of Mombasa. The International Journal of Business & Management, 3(10). Retrieved from