Influence of In-Service Training on Service Delivery: A Case of Registered Nurses in Masaba North Sub County; Nyamira County


Damacline Nyamisa Ombati
Walter Bichang'a Okibo


Kenya seeks to attain Millennium development goals in all sectors of the economy by 2030. In the health sector, the government seeks to attain the highest possible standards of health in a manner responsive to the needs of the population. This goal will be effectively achieved by strengthening service delivery of health workers and especially the nurses. Orientation programs for new graduates and continuing education for nurses are essential tools to help practitioners improve their knowledge, skills, and expertise so that quality patient care is provided and outcomes are optimized while errors are minimized. Hence, prompting the study. The study was guided by four objectives: To establish the effect of formal lecture, simulation, group discussion and role play on service delivery of registered nurses. The study was conducted between January 2015 and April 2015 in Masaba North Sub-County– Nyamira County with a sample size of 40 respondents. Simple random and purposive samplings were used to identify the respondents for inclusion in the study. Data was collected through document analysis and questionnaires. Data was analyzed both qualitatively and quantitatively using descriptive statistics mainly frequencies and percentages and then presented in form of frequency distribution tables.  The study is useful in implementing and improving in service training programme which would result in improved service delivery among registered nurses in Kenya. The researcher pointed out the elements essential in in-service training and its influence on service delivery. Most health centres in the sub-county had inadequate nurses and the service was below average.


How to Cite
Ombati, D. N., & Okibo, W. B. (2015). Influence of In-Service Training on Service Delivery: A Case of Registered Nurses in Masaba North Sub County; Nyamira County. The International Journal of Business & Management, 3(10). Retrieved from