Formulating a Success Model for Geometers' Sketchpad Implementation in Secondary Mathematics Education


Ramli R
Che Cob Z
Ali N


Geometers' Sketchpad (GSP) is selected as one of the official tools for the teaching and learning of technical subjects such as Mathematics in the national education landscape. Though the use of GSP has received a good support from the Ministry of Education, the outcome of its implementation does not necessarily show outstanding results in enabling a more successful teaching and learning of Mathematics at schools. Reports have demonstrated many accounts on GSP being underutilized in the education setup especially at schools. Among the reasons identified is the unwillingness of the main players to use the tools. The teachers are complaining that in using the tools, their workload will be increased to keep updated with the many versions of GSP, the less IT savvy groups of educators are concerned about exposing their inadequacy of handling the technology before their students and the traditionalists who prefer to deliver their teachings in a conventional way may feel their uncomfortable having to change their teaching style. The objective of this study is to construct a success model that can serve as a foundation for a successful implementation of GSP at secondary schools. This result is hoped to provide insights on the factors influencing the success of GSP application in Mathematics education at a secondary school level in Malaysia, which is in agreement with the objectives listed in Malaysia's Education Blueprint 2013-2025 – to leverage ICT in bringing up quality teaching and learning across the nation


How to Cite
R, R., Z, C. C., & N, A. (2018). Formulating a Success Model for Geometers’ Sketchpad Implementation in Secondary Mathematics Education. The International Journal of Business & Management, 6(11). Retrieved from