What Is the Mediating Role of Job Burnout in the Relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Job Performance in the Healthcare Sector?


Efstathios Bakertzis
Barbara Myloni


Background-Aim: The current financial situation in Greece has affected among others and the Public National Health System in various ways. The most important asset of healthcare organizations, employees have been experienced difficult working conditions. This paper sheds new light on the role that Job Burnout has on the relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Job Performance on Hospitals in Greece.

Methods - Results: A 54 item structured Likert 5- point scale questionnaire, conducted from 10/08/2017 to 20/10/2017, which consisted of Job Burnout, Emotional Intelligence and Job Performance, was carried out to investigate the relations between these variables. Questionnaires were distributed to 330 healthcare employees in the public hospitals in Greece, (doctors, nurses and administrative) and 269 were analyzed to measure each employee's level of Job Burnout, Emotional Intelligence and their effect to Job Performance, using Structural equation model (SEM). Our results suggest that Emotional Intelligence (0.681) and Job Burnout (-0.134) significantly affect Job Performance at 0.01 level. What's more, Emotional Intelligence (-0.386) significantly affects employees'Job Burnout level (0.001 level).

Conclusion: This study contributes to a deeper understanding of the importance that Job Burnout has on both Job Performance and Emotional Intelligence levels.


How to Cite
Bakertzis, E., & Myloni, B. (2019). What Is the Mediating Role of Job Burnout in the Relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Job Performance in the Healthcare Sector?. The International Journal of Business & Management, 7(2). https://doi.org/10.24940/theijbm/2019/v7/i2/BM1902-005