An Evaluation of the Adoption of Management Accounting Practices (MAPs) by Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Zimbabwe and Their Impact on Firm Performance: A Case of Lupane SMEs


Pretty Moyo
Favourate Y Sebele- Mpofu


SMEs around the world have grown to be of paramount importance to national economies. It has been reported that their contributions towards gross domestic products (GDPs) have increased to large percentages, with SMEs in Zimbabwe contributing about 50% towards the country's GDP. The increasing growth of SMEs warrants research on how they can be assisted to perform to their best capabilities. Management accounting practices (MAPs) are thus one discipline of the accounting field which, if implemented and monitored well, is promising to unlock the SMEs' potential. The study explores the factors that affect the adoption of MAPs in Zimbabwean SMEs, particularly in Lupane.  It identifies the MAPs that have been adopted by these SMEs, evaluates the impact of MAP adoption on the performance of the firm, analyses the benefits and challenges of MAP adoption in SMEs. The study then recommends the possible ways of improving the application of MAPs for enhanced firm performance. A combination of a structured interview and a questionnaire were administered on 58 SMEs in Lupane. A total of 36 questionnaires that were administered and 22 interviews were conducted. The findings showed that the size of the firm, qualification of the accounting staff and commitment of the owner/ manager affected the adoption of MAPs. It also revealed that costing and budgeting systems were the most popular MAPs used by SMEs in the area while the payback period and the net present value were the most frequently used capital budgeting techniques. A positive relationship between the adoption of MAPs and firm performance was found to be very important in the adoption and implementation MAPs. MAPS adoption improved firm performance. The study enriches the existing body of knowledge of MAPs and SMEs by providing information on the factors affecting the adoption of MAPs. The findings can be useful to policy makers in the relevant ministries and will also create awareness and interest in researchers to focus on the SMEs sector when conducting research on management accounting.


How to Cite
Moyo, P., & Mpofu, F. Y. S.-. (2019). An Evaluation of the Adoption of Management Accounting Practices (MAPs) by Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Zimbabwe and Their Impact on Firm Performance: A Case of Lupane SMEs. The International Journal of Business & Management, 7(3).