Factors Affecting Training Production Workers at Enterprises in Vietnam


Vu Hong Van
Nguyen Thi Oanh


Production workers are an important factor in creating the added value of businesses through direct production. Vietnam's underdeveloped industry already has maintained productive labors with low productivity and inefficient working style. The current 4.0 revolution and international integration have created a significant change in management method and production process. It is expected to create a breaking by supplying chance for the development of each individual with support of information, knowledge and new technology. Technical innovation leads to new requirements of knowledge, skills and behavior of production workers. Therefore, enterprises have to change the method and especially the content of training courses for human resources taken part in production.

In this paper, we examine the impacts of five factors affecting training production workers including Training Program, Learning culture of the enterprise, Benefits, Abilities of workers by surveying with 212 respondents. Based on results, active building their own learning culture is the basic solution. Additionally, the reform of professional training system will provide quality production manpower output to meet the needs of businesses.


How to Cite
Van, V. H., & Oanh, N. T. (2019). Factors Affecting Training Production Workers at Enterprises in Vietnam. The International Journal of Business & Management, 7(11). https://doi.org/10.24940/theijbm/2019/v7/i11/BM1911-020