Effect of Consumer Socialization on Consumer Product Choice among University Students in Moshi, Kilimanjaro, Tanzania


Dr. Amembah A Lamu Amos
Erasto Massawe


The family is the foundation of human molding of behavior, persona, and mental formation. The first experiences of many human beings are by this institution through socialization. As children grow, they start demanding for different needs which continues for rest of their lifetime. The process of consumer choice then is formed. This process may stick with some consumers for their lifetime or it may change slightly as consumers socialize with the environment. The study used a quantitative research approach and the design was correlational survey. The study covered two universities in Kilimanjaro. Data collection was done using: questionnaires and interview schedules. The findings were analysed through frequencies, percentages and means. The study found out that:  students product choice was influenced by socialization although the family had a major influence on them than any other factor of socialization. Consumers also faced challenges in their product choice therefore made adjustments. Therefore, the study concluded that organizations and companies should conduct regular research to understand how socialization affects consumer decision making as well as brand or product change.


How to Cite
Amos, D. A. A. L., & Massawe, E. (2019). Effect of Consumer Socialization on Consumer Product Choice among University Students in Moshi, Kilimanjaro, Tanzania. The International Journal of Business & Management, 7(11). https://doi.org/10.24940/theijbm/2019/v7/i11/BM1911-045