Critical Success Factors for Statistical Process Control in the Enterprises Operating in Hanoi, Vietnam


Truong Doan
Pham Viet Dung


Implementing Statistical Process Control (SPC) in enterprises in countries all over the world has been proven, brought quality improvement and cost reduction thereby increased business performance and competitiveness. The research conducted a deep interview expert working in universities and enterprises and a quantitative survey on enterprises implementing SPC in order to identify Critical Success Factor for SPC. 7 CSFs were found. Their impacts on hard and soft quality of products (consequences of SPC) were assessed. Policy implications were proposed for the success of SPC in Vietnamese enterprises.


How to Cite
Doan, T., & Dung, P. V. (2019). Critical Success Factors for Statistical Process Control in the Enterprises Operating in Hanoi, Vietnam. The International Journal of Business & Management, 7(12).