Dispatch Workers and Their Psychological Contracts in China: A Preliminary Discussion from The Agency's Perspective


Ma Guoxin
Wu Ying


This paper takes a new perspective from the dispatch labor agency to look at work and employment issues of Chinese dispatch workers through the lens of the psychological contract. It preliminarily discusses the significance of this perspective brining to light some initial and informal interview findings with the management of a labor agency in Anhui province China. This paper calls for more attention to be paid to dispatch workers agencies in China, which have been providing a major source of work, labor and employment since the Chinese employment reform.It further suggests the application of several psychological concepts for future research in this light, especially from the dispatch labor agency's perspective.


How to Cite
Guoxin, M., & Ying, W. (2020). Dispatch Workers and Their Psychological Contracts in China: A Preliminary Discussion from The Agency’s Perspective. The International Journal of Business & Management, 8(1). https://doi.org/10.24940/theijbm/2020/v8/i1/BM2001-042