Shopping Experience, Brand Prestige and Perceived Value on Mall Visitors Loyalty in Indonesia


Dayita Asri Kanaka
Ratna Roostika


This study aims to determine the effect of shopping experience, brand prestige and perceived value on mall visitor's loyalty in Indonesia. The population of this study consisted of customers who visited the shopping mall. Some shopping malls in Indonesia, including majority Yogyakarta, and minority Semarang, Bandung, Jakarta etc. was selected for the survey site. The survey was conducted for nine weeks period in May-July 2020. The data were collected through online survey using Google form. The respondents in this study totaled 254. A statistical analysis of the used data in this study was conducted using SPSS 17 vers. and AMOS 23 vers. According to this study result, shopping experience has a positive effect on brand prestige for mall visitors in Indonesia. Brand prestige also has a positive effect on the mall visitors perceived value and perceived value has a positive influence on mall visitor loyalty.


How to Cite
Kanaka, D. A., & Roostika, R. (2020). Shopping Experience, Brand Prestige and Perceived Value on Mall Visitors Loyalty in Indonesia. The International Journal of Business & Management, 8(9).