Influence of Customer Relationships on the Performance of Small and Medium-Scale Agro-Food Processing Enterprises in Kenya
Small and Medium-scale Agro-food processing enterprises are documented in academic research and practice as important in establishing vibrant economies. The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of customer relationships on the performance of Small and Medium-Scale Agro-food processing enterprises in Nairobi County, Kenya. The target population for the study was 1,020 licensed Small and Medium-Scale Agro-food processing enterprises in Nairobi County. The study adopted a correlational research design which sought to establish the relationships between variables in the study. Qualitative data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, which included mean, frequencies, and percentages, while quantitative data were analyzed using inferential statistics, including multiple regression analysis, correlational analysis, analysis of variance, and chi-square test. The analyzed data were presented using tables. The study concluded that customer relationships influenced the performance of Small and Medium-scale Agro-food processing enterprises and recommended that Small and Medium-scale Agro-food processing enterprises should apply constructive customer relationships for improved enterprise performance.