A Study on the Business Perspective of Handmade Paintings in the City of Kolkata, India


Sudipta Kumar Ghosh
Dr. Sasmita Mishra


The changing lifestyle of Indians along with their expanding wallet size has brought substantial changes in the gift, decoration and fashion markets. The inclination of people towards handmade paintings has also increased. In such a scenario, exploring the attitude of customers towards handmade painting and finding out the market potential of handmade painting may be helpful for the budding professionals and people in that industry. With that purpose, an exploratory study was conducted in the city of Kolkata. Among 150 questionnaires, distributed to the residents of Kolkata, 116 (77.33% response rate) completely filled in questionnaires were received. The Data was analysed with the help of SPSS package.

Apart from descriptive statistics, chi-square and phi-coefficient tests were conducted to analyse the data. The results reflected various opinions of the customers in different aspect of marketing of handmade paintings in the city of Kolkata. Mainly the findings revealed that people have inclination towards handmade painting but the hindrance is its availability at the time of need.


How to Cite
Sudipta Kumar Ghosh, & Dr. Sasmita Mishra. (2023). A Study on the Business Perspective of Handmade Paintings in the City of Kolkata, India. The International Journal of Business & Management, 1(7). Retrieved from https://internationaljournalcorner.com/index.php/theijbm/article/view/172939 (Original work published July 31, 2013)