Contract Type Selection and Project Performance: An Optimal Strategy for Achieving Procurement Planning of Swimming Pool Construction Firms in Rivers State, Nigeria
The study examined the correlation that existed between contract type selection and project performance of swimming pool construction firms in Rivers State. The determination to maximize utility and to create comfort for both customers who seek recreation or adventure and private or personal relaxation with swimming pool facilities as a social stratum has increasingly gained acceptance and recognition in our society today. However, the early finished time of such a project has often been characterized by delays associated with contract variation from the performing firms. The study adopted a census population of 7 registered firms. Questionnaires were administered to 61 respondents. Spearman rank statistical tool and regression analyses were adopted for correlation and effect determination. Amidst the findings, a strong positive correlation existed between the dimensions of contract type selection and project performance. The study concluded that contract type selection is a veritable conduit for stabilizing project completion timelines among firms in the studied section.