Measuring the Impact of Vision, Mission, Goals, and Objectives Socialization in the Master of Management Program
The established and approved vision and mission of the master of management study program is certainly followed by a process of socializing the vision and mission through various programmes, including:
• Socialization with lecturers through regular meetings;
• socialization with students through student activities and lectures;
• Socialization with students through meeting activities at the beginning of college admission;
• Socialization with stakeholders and broader audience through various channels such as the study program website, brochures and banners, YouTube videos and radio broadcasts.
The purpose of this study is to know and analyze the understanding of the academic community, graduate users, and partners of the master of management study programme at Trisakti University in Indonesia, regarding the implementation and socialization of its Vision and Mission during year 2022-2023.
This research is a descriptive study that can provide an overview of the perceptions of the academic community, graduate users, lecturers and partners in the Master of Management Program. This study uses primary data by circulating questionnaires to respondents. The sample of this research is the academic community of the Master of Management Program at Trisakti University, where respondents came from active students, lecturers, academic staff and alumni. The number of respondents who filled in the questionnaires properly and completely was 163.
Based on these findings, this study concluded that the socialization implementation of vision and mission is becoming more important and significant to the sustainability of the study program in universities to prioritize and optimize their personnel and financial resources to achieve outstanding academic results. Even though the results of all of the indicators have a high success rate, the socialization of vision and mission needs to be done regularly and effectively through various ways and channels to make sure that the message is delivered and conveyed well.