Drivers of Employee Engagement in the Nigerian Public Media Sector
While much has been written on employee engagement, this research was prompted by the dearth of data on drivers of employee engagement in Nigerian public media corporations. Consequently, drawing on relevant literature, eight drivers of employee engagement viz. Leadership, Communication, Compensation/Recognition, Learning and Development Perceived Organisational Support (POS), Career Development, Job Crafting and Work Environment were selected. A mixed methodology research design involving both quantitative and qualitative techniques was used to generate data extracted from the expanded Gallup Q12 questionnaire. The data generated was analysed using mean, ranking method, regression analysis, Kendall tau-b correlation, and thematic content analysis. Empirical findings showed that the eight elements were predictors of employee engagement in the study population, with Perceived Organisation Support being the highest predictor, followed by Compensation and Rewards, Work Environment, Job crafting, Leadership, Communications, Career Development, Learning and Development (β=0.245, 0.223, 0.220, 0.214, 0.176, 0.142, 0.116 and 0.110) respectively and adjusted R2 was 0.998; P<0.0001. The study findings revealed a great need for the government as an employer of labour to devote more attention to the drivers of employee engagement in the workplace to achieve improved performance and efficiency.