The Effect of Marketing Mixes on Customer Purchase Decisions on Prudential Companies of Bandung Branch Office
At present, the sales competition for insurance products has increased dramatically starting in the last few years. In addition, competition began to become even more fierce, marked by the ASEAN Economic Community (MEA) organization, which started its activity in early 2016. Insurance sales competition was assumed to be more fierce with the presence of MEA. Some insurance companies expected to experience a decline in sales due to emerging competition. It will not occur only with domestic insurance companies but also with insurance companies from countries that are members of ASEAN. With the increasing competition, it is estimated that insurance sales will decrease, but the opposite increase in sales happens at Prudential. The author seeks to help other insurance companies increase insurance sales by conducting research at Prudential to try to find out the cause of the increase in sales.
This research was made and conducted based on a literature review that was used as a reference in the preparation of research. References used by the author are in the form of theories about consumer behavior, marketing mix, insurance concepts, marketing mix concepts, and research that has been done before this study.
This study aims to determine whether the marketing mix has an influence on insurance product purchasing decisions at the Prudential Bandung branch office. Research belongs to quantitative research and, based on its objectives, is classified as descriptive studies. The sample is determined by the Accidental Sampling technique, which is one of the techniques belonging to the Non-Probability Sampling Method by selecting individuals who are easier to find with a total sample of 96 respondents generated through calculations in the sampling technique. Data were collected using questionnaires and analyzed using descriptive analysis and multiple linear regression analysis. Research and testing were carried out assisted by using the SPSS program ver. 22.
From the results of the study, it was found that product variables and process variables are elements of the marketing mix that have the most significant influence on purchasing decisions. Other results from the study indicate that seven marketing mix variables simultaneously influence customer purchasing decisions.