Assessment of the Influence of Coffee Cooperatives Activities on Member’s Welfare: A Case Study of Cocamu Cooperative, Rwanda


Marie Ange Ishimwe
Dr. Peter Mbabazi Mbabazize
Dr. Jaya Shukla


This study was carried out to determine the effect of coffee cooperatives on the welfare of its members. The specific objectives included; to determine the effect of micro-credit accessibility on welfare of coffee cooperative members, to examine the effect of trainings on welfare of coffee cooperative members, to establish the effect of access to inputs on welfare of coffee cooperative members and to determine the relationship between coffee cooperatives and member’s welfare.

The study employed descriptive study design t which included correcting primary data using structure questions. The target population comprised of 230 members from COCAMU cooperative in Kirehe District. The sample size for the study was 146 members determined using Slovin’s formula for sample size determination. Random sampling technique was used to select the samples. The study utilized questionnaires as instrument for data collection. The questionnaires consisted of close ended questions were used to ensure that only relevant responses were given. The collected data was analyzed quantitatively using descriptive statistics, which included frequencies and percentages. Pearson correlation analysis was also done to establish the relationship between the study variables. Findings of the study were presented using frequency distribution table pie charts and bar graphs. The study findings revealed that most of COCAMU cooperative members were old people and the young people were not part of the cooperative. Also the findings showed that the cooperative offered trainings to members although some members felt the training was not adequate. Positive and significant relationships between microcredit access, training, access to inputs and welfare of cooperative members (r=0.441 p<0.01, r=0.528 p<0.01, r=0.219 p<0.05) respectively. The study concluded that cooperative can improve the welfare of its members and even attract more farmers to join the cooperative through provision of microcredit training and inputs to cooperative members. The study recommended that a study that will look at the challenges facing coffee cooperatives would be carried out.


How to Cite
Marie Ange Ishimwe, Dr. Peter Mbabazi Mbabazize, & Dr. Jaya Shukla. (2016). Assessment of the Influence of Coffee Cooperatives Activities on Member’s Welfare: A Case Study of Cocamu Cooperative, Rwanda. The International Journal of Business & Management, 4(4). Retrieved from