A Comparison between African Philosophical and Christian Theological Views of Life and Death


George Okumu Achar
Ishmael Opiyo Otieno


This paper discusses a comparison between some of the dominant teachings of Christianity and traditional African religion regarding the mysteries of life, death and destiny of the soul. It does this by first discussing the African philosophical views on the origin and purpose of life. It also tackles the African perception about the causes of death, origin of death and the destiny of the soul. The second section discusses the biblical views on the origin and meaning of life. It also analyzes the Christian teachings on death, resurrection and destiny of the soul. The paper then draws some of the key similarities and differences regarding the questions of life, death and destiny from the two religions. In both cases, it is believed that life is sacred, God given gift that was intended to be permanent on earth. Death is regretted and considered as a consequence of human fall. Both religions argue that woman was the first cause of death hence justifies the second position female on religious affairs. Finally, Christianity promises eternity in the next world while African traditional religion believes in an eternity which occurs in this world. 


How to Cite
Achar, G. O., & Otieno, I. O. (2017). A Comparison between African Philosophical and Christian Theological Views of Life and Death. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 5(4). Retrieved from https://internationaljournalcorner.com/index.php/theijhss/article/view/125317