The Traditional Integrated Ways of Conflict Resolution between the Luo-Maasai Communities, Kenya


George Okumu Achar
Rispah N. Wepukhulu
Savala, Angeline


This paper examines traditional integrated ways of conflict resolution between the Luo-Maasai (LM) communities in Kenya. The study was conducted in Ogwedhi-Sigawa, the border between the Luo-Maasai communities of Migori and Narok Counties, Kenya. It outlines how the Luo Traditional Religious Model to Conflict Resolution (LTRMCR) and Maasai Traditional Religious Model to Conflict Resolution (MTRMCR) integrates to resolve conflicts between the two communities. The discussion was guided by the conceptual framework on integrated Luo-Maasai traditional religious model to conflict resolution (ILMTRMCR).  The study adopted a descriptive design and used purposive sampling to select the respondents. The data was analyzed qualitatively (Kombo and Tomp, 2013). The collection of the data was done using questions, group discussion, and oral interviews. The study shows how the key independent variables (LTRMCR and MTRMCR) interact to form an integrated LM model to conflict resolution, the ILMTRMCR.


How to Cite
Achar, G. O., Wepukhulu, R. N., & Angeline, S. (2017). The Traditional Integrated Ways of Conflict Resolution between the Luo-Maasai Communities, Kenya. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 5(9). Retrieved from