Irrigation Schemes and Poverty Reduction in Zimbabwe the Case of Musena Irrigation in Chirumanzu District, Zimbabwe


Rudo G. Munyati
Leonard Chitongo


The study assessed the impact of irrigation schemes on reducing poverty in Chirumanzu District. The research gives a comprehensive assessment of the efficacy of irrigation farming on poverty alleviation. Irrigation is a panacea to rainfall variability. This follows extreme weather conditions which have affected Sub Saharan Africa over the past decade. The research approach encompasses mixed methods. Out of a population of 116 farmers a sample of 35 was randomly selected. Data collection were administered through researcher administered questionnaires, focus group discussions, key informant interviews and observation. Furthermore, secondary data were acquired through document analysis.  The study presents tables and graphs, through the use of Ms excel.  The researcher established that Musena irrigation scheme has reduced vulnerability of farmers and enhanced livelihood outcomes. In the face of challenges which include pests and diseases, lack of financial and human capital.  Thus, it can be concluded that irrigation farming has the potential to increase, crop yield and inherently reducing poverty. The study recommends increased capitalisation to farmers and more investment by the government in irrigation, research and extension services.


How to Cite
Munyati, R. G., & Chitongo, L. (2017). Irrigation Schemes and Poverty Reduction in Zimbabwe the Case of Musena Irrigation in Chirumanzu District, Zimbabwe. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 5(7). Retrieved from