Non-Governmental Organisations and Social Welfare Services: The Case of International Red Cross in Germiston, South Africa


Caroline Mafongoya
Leonard Chitongo


Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) are high-profile actors in the field of international development, amongst several functions they also act as providers of services to vulnerable individuals and communities. This study analysed the role of NGOs, in the provision of social welfare services to the elderly, particularly Red Cross in Germiston, Johannesburg.  Data used in this study was obtained using questionnaires, interviews, focus group discussions, and observations. Ninety beneficiaries were selected for this study. The researcher used the simple random sampling method in the selection of respondents. The study concluded that social welfare services provided by International Red Cross has managed to improve the quality of life of the elderly in Gemiston. The organisation has provided, accommodation, medication, food, and clothes to beneficiaries. The majority of respondents highlighted that they are satisfied with the assistance which they are getting. More so the researcher also noted that NGOs are facing challenges of financing, and critically shortage of staff to provide adequate health services. Therefore, the researcher recommends that NGOs should further capitalise its interventions in order to cover more beneficiaries. This can be achieved by looking for more donor support from international development agencies such as US AID, Department for International Development (DFID) and World Health Organisation (WHO).


How to Cite
Mafongoya, C., & Chitongo, L. (2017). Non-Governmental Organisations and Social Welfare Services: The Case of International Red Cross in Germiston, South Africa. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 5(8). Retrieved from