Sexism: A Grave Threat for Empowerment of the Society


Roshmi Adhikary


Sexism is nothing new for the society but with the growing time it is becoming the new threat for the development of the society. When the world is talking about women -empowerment, rainbow walk (LGBTs), equality, and justice – somehow sexism is standing having a strong barrier. Every gender holds a basic right to get proper treatment not only from the state but from the society and it should be a part of rules and regulations to provide that. But apart from institutional frameworks, the psychological narrowness should change immediately. Only by making new plans and laws without their proper implementations, it is really difficult to stop the barrier. It is high time to combat such sexist threat and bring social transformation in real sense.


How to Cite
Adhikary, R. (2016). Sexism: A Grave Threat for Empowerment of the Society. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 4(3). Retrieved from