Effects of Bt Cotton on Indian Economy


Roshmi Adhikary


In this paper we have discussed about the advantages of Bt cotton, its impacts on Indian farmers and how it can ameliorate farmers' welfare. In India, performance of Bt cotton has been quite impressive. Being the first biotech crop to be launched, it has improved the cotton cultivation to a great extent by increasing cotton yield significantly. It has also reduced pesticide and prevented further environmental degradation. Bt cotton can be undoubtedly considered as the foremost reason behind the stupendous transformation of cotton industry in India. Earlier, India used to be a net importer of cotton. Today, India has become a net exporter, thanks to the introduction of the genetically modified crop. There are infinite ways in which genetically modified technology can improve the other sides of agricultural sector in India also. Use of genetically modified technology can prove to be most efficient in sustaining cotton performance in India.


How to Cite
Adhikary, R. (2016). Effects of Bt Cotton on Indian Economy. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 4(6). Retrieved from https://internationaljournalcorner.com/index.php/theijhss/article/view/126692