Women's Objectification in Media Contents: through a Feminist Lens


Himashree Patowary


Objectification of women in Media has been a topic of discussion over the globe from the late 60s. It can roughly be defined as seeing or judging the humans, especially the women folk as objects. This is a central notion of the feminist theory. In that particular period feminist movement in U.S got peak and concentrated on media's representation of women. It was ‘The Feminine Mystique' written by Bretty Friedan which for the first time marked the arousing dissatisfaction of the feminists with the media portrayals of women.


How to Cite
Patowary, H. (2016). Women’s Objectification in Media Contents: through a Feminist Lens. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 4(5). Retrieved from https://internationaljournalcorner.com/index.php/theijhss/article/view/126681