Indian Women's Fate: Never-Ending Oppressions


Himashree Patowary


Women”the half of the sky, born as a human but treated differently because of some distinguished "feminine” qualities which are predominantly given the inferior status due to patriarchal culture. Being inferior in almost every field, except in house hold matters, women are judged only as mother, daughter, wife or sister, having the identity always when she makes relationship with a man, neither get equal footing in the family and nor does she get the same status and position in outside”all make women secondary living being in relation to men. It is the story of all the women over the globe. The plights of Indian women, to find out, is not a very easy task because of the complex nature of the social system (caste and class) as well as the various kinds of patriarchy being working as the force behind the women to be inferior, religious matters, rituals, rites and customs based on religion, various personal laws defining the dos and don'ts for women”all have made the whole environment muddled to liberate women.


How to Cite
Patowary, H. (2016). Indian Women’s Fate: Never-Ending Oppressions. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 4(6). Retrieved from