Role of PT. Telkom in Empowerment of Small Medium Enterprise (SME) (Case Study PKBL PT. Telkom with Small Industry Krecek Rambak in Desa Kauman, Kecamatan Bangsal, Kabupaten Mojokerto)


Jenny Yudha Utama
Sanggar Kanto
Sholih Muhadi


Roles of PT. Telkom toward small industrial community of krecek rambak on Kauman village, Bangsal sub-district, Mojokerto regency. Through Program Kemitraan dan Bina Lingkungan (PKBL) held by PT. Telkom in order to empower the community of krecek rambak industrial to be better than before. This research used empowerment concept like Authority, Confident and Competent, Trust, Opportunities, Responsibilities, and Support (ACTORS). The purpose of this research is to describe the role of PT. Telkom in the empowerment program of the small industry community of krecek rambak. This research used a qualitative methodology by using instrumental case study approach that has the purpose to describe or explains in detail the role of PT. Telkom with a small industrial community of krecek rambak on Kauman village, Bangsal sub-district, Mojokerto regency, so as to form a theory of construction or repair. The result showed taht krecek rambak industrial community is greatly helped by Program Kemitraan dan Bina Lingkungan of PT. Telkom and has a pattern of TOP-DOWN and BOTTOM-UP, so the PT. Telkom and home industry of krecek rambak give each other synergies.


How to Cite
Utama, J. Y., Kanto, S., & Muhadi, S. (2016). Role of PT. Telkom in Empowerment of Small Medium Enterprise (SME) (Case Study PKBL PT. Telkom with Small Industry Krecek Rambak in Desa Kauman, Kecamatan Bangsal, Kabupaten Mojokerto). The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 4(6). Retrieved from