Neutrality of Civil Servants in Local Leaders Election at District Parigi Moutong, Indonesia


Edy Suprianto
Sanggar Kanto
Sholih Muadi


Neutrality of civil servants in local leader election or district head election has already arranged within Government Regulation No 53 concerning Disciplinary of Civil Servants and Law No 5 year 2014 concerning Aparatur Sipil Negara (ASN – State Apparatus). However, in its practice there were still lots of civil servants involvement in politics during local leader election. Author chose to study in District Parigi Moutong due to blunt civil servants involvement during local leader election 2013 in this area. Objectives of this study were to analyze and describe civil servants involvement phenomenon and role of actors in influencing civil servants to be involved in local leader election in District ParigiMoutong, Central Sulawesi province in 2013.

Type of study used in this paper was qualitative method with descriptive phenomenology approach. Study result obtained in this study were that civil servants involvement phenomenon in District Parigi Moutong in 2013 were also involving officials from the existing Satuan Kerja Perangkat Daerah (SKPD). The involving SKPD officials were Local Secretary, Head of Agency, and Sub District Head. Actors involved in civil servants involvement during Local Leaders Election in District ParigiMoutong were incumbent, success team and other pair or non-incumbent.  While role of actors in influencing civil servants to involved in local leader election of District Parigi Moutong 2013, according to structuration theory of Anthony Giddens would include practical awareness and discursive awareness.


How to Cite
Suprianto, E., Kanto, S., & Muadi, S. (2016). Neutrality of Civil Servants in Local Leaders Election at District Parigi Moutong, Indonesia. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 4(7). Retrieved from