Social Factors Influencing the Adoption of Biogas in the Households of KISII Central District, Kenya


Kaumbulu F. Kyalo
Eric K. Bor
Mwangi S. Wokabi


This study was based on a research interested in the determining the social factors that influenced the adoption of biogas as a source of energy in the households of Kisii Central District, Kisii County, Kenya. A number of factors influenced the study.  First, the District had been affected by fuel constrains, inadequate land, and diminishing forest resources.  Secondly, the district was faced with rapid population growth, high demand for fuel for cooking, lighting and energy source to run homes.  Thirdly, there was extensive use of traditional sources of fuel such as fuel wood and charcoal, a situation that lead to uncontrolled cutting down of trees. 

In addition, there was pollution of environment through animal wastes and emission of smoke through burning charcoal and firewood.  Fourthly, the District was listed among the areas where GTZ and government of Kenya (GoK) had constructed a number of biogas plants to be used as a source of household energy. The study was conducted in Kisii Central District, Kenya where a sample of 150 rural households comprising of 50 biogas users and 100 non-biogas users was used.  The study showed that social factors such as Family size, Level of Education, Religion, Affiliation to social groups, and Cultural beliefs on cow dung had significant influence in adopting biogas as a source of household energy in the district. 

There was a need to for serious and urgent policy measures that focus on widespread creation of awareness of biogas use and that would include all stakeholders in the district.  The government should not leave NGOs like GTZ to run biogas programmes as private affair but should provide a framework that will protect the local people from exploitation by such groups.  This will ensure sustainability in the biogas adoption not only in Kisii Central but also in Kenya at large.


How to Cite
Kyalo, K. F., Bor, E. K., & Wokabi, M. S. (2014). Social Factors Influencing the Adoption of Biogas in the Households of KISII Central District, Kenya. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 2(11). Retrieved from