Causes of Gender Inequality among Non-Teaching Staff in Staff in Njoro Campus, Egerton University, Nakuru County, Kenya


SibiaB Bwoga
Kaumbulu F. Kyalo
Eric K. Bor
Mwangi S. Wokabi


This study is about gender equality at the place of work among the non-teaching staff in Njoro Campus.The gender equality issue has been a contentious issue globally. It has been universally acknowledged that women are side-lined in different sector. The phenomenon of gender equality among employees in public institutions has been attributed to existing barriers and obstacles. However gender equality among the non-teaching staff of Egerton University has not been investigated. Despite the fact that some male and female employees have similar qualifications and occupy senior and influential positions, gender equality is still a concern. The objective of this study was to evaluate factors hindering gender equality at the place of work among the non-teaching staff in public universities in Kenya especially Egerton University. This study was guided by the following specific objectives namely; to establish positions that are held by men and women among the non-teaching staff members of Egerton University, to examine the causes of gender inequality among the non-teaching staff members of Egerton University and to determine the difference in the way men and women perceive gender issues. The study was also guided by the social feminist theory. A random sample of 100 persons, both male and female employees were selected and involved in this study. The study utilized cross sectional design where data was collected using questionnaires administered to the selected respondents and supplemented by secondary sources of information. The unit of analysis was the individual university non-teaching staff. The data was processed and analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics with the aid of a statistical package for social sciences (SPSS). The study found that there was gender inequality in the university and also indication that empowering male and female employees in occupational related factors, including job performance, personality, and self-motivation was likely to enhance equality at the place of work. The study also found out that there were more men in the administration of the University than women and majority of women were secretaries and cleaners. The study concluded that there is gender inequality in Egerton University. The study recommended that affirmative action should be strictly implemented for both men and women to compete on the same level. Also women should be encouraged to venture into those fields which have been traditionally dominated by men. 



How to Cite
Bwoga, S., Kyalo, K. F., Bor, E. K., & Wokabi, M. S. (2014). Causes of Gender Inequality among Non-Teaching Staff in Staff in Njoro Campus, Egerton University, Nakuru County, Kenya. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 2(11). Retrieved from