Factors of Influencing the Locations of the Small Scale Industries in Industrial Estates of Kurnool District of Andhra Pradesh


K. Bhaskaru


Industrial development has played a crucial role in the process of economic development of all countries of the world, including India. Industrialization of developing countries and its role in economic transformation is essential in order to attain economic and social growth. They play an important role in employment creation, resource utilization and income generation and help promote changes in a gradual and phased manner. Industrial sector is a pressing need of developing countries like India. Because of scarcity of capital, underutilization of natural resources, population explosion, underdeveloped infrastructural facilities, low level of technology, political instability, excessive dependence on agriculture, excessive dependence on imports and social attitude the growth is very slow. An effective development policy is to be framed to attempt to increase the use of labour, relative to capital to the extent that it is economically efficient. Industrial development is possible by providing adequate infrastructure and other facilities. It may also be necessary to have well conceived programme of industrial development appropriate to situations. Since independence, India has started a massive planned programme of fast industrialization.

 The Kurnool district of industrial estates in Many important geographical factors involved in the location of individual industries are of relative significant. Avalability of raw material, power resources, water, labour, markets and the transport facilities. But besides such purely geographical factors influencing industrial location, they are factors of historical, human, political and economic nature which are now tending to surpass the force of geographical advantages. Consequently, the factors influencing the location of industry.


How to Cite
Bhaskaru, K. (2015). Factors of Influencing the Locations of the Small Scale Industries in Industrial Estates of Kurnool District of Andhra Pradesh. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 3(4). Retrieved from https://internationaljournalcorner.com/index.php/theijhss/article/view/139967