The Performance of Small Scale Industries: A Study in Industrial Estate of Kurnool District of Andhra Pradesh


K. Bhaskaru
R. Sanjeeva Rao


Indian economy is a developing economy. It's vast resources are either unutilized or underutilized. A major section of man power is lying idle. The per capita income is low.  The capital is shy and scarce and investment is lean. The production is traditional and the technique is outdated. The output is insufficient and the basic needs of the people remain unfulfilled. The Government in all the years has been taken a number of steps for the promotion of small scale industries. Various programmes of the governments to make them more effective. But unfortunately such a vital sector with so much protection, care and encouragement is not free from problems. Small industries are confronted with number of problems in acquiring land, building and other basic facilities. The main objective of the programme of industrial estates is to provide factory accommodations to small scale industries at suitable sites with facilities of water,electricity,steam,transport ,banks, post offices,canteens,watch and ward and first aid etc .And thus create a healthy atmosphere for the development of industries.The industrial estates bring a number of industrial units together and facilitate establishment of common facility centers, introduction of modern techniques, and collective purchase of raw materials and sale of finished goods fostering a co-operation spirit of interdependence between them. Promotion of small scale industries by providing facilities, assistance guidance to small scale industries in establishing, operating and managing their units. Decentralization of industries from big cities urban areas and highly industrialized centers to other places. Development of industries and employment in backward regions. Provision of facilities of all types at one place for the smooth functioning of the industry. Provision of built-up factory accommodation to the small entrepreneurship as to make them ready to start their industries without any inconvenience or delay. Rapid industrialization of the country through the development of small industries. Savings and capital formation in industrial sector, and Development of entrepreneurial skills among people belonging to different social groups and communities. Man power is very crucial role in the industrial development, many small scale industries are highly depend on man power. The Kurnool district industrial estates were the labor intensive hence, axiomatically are employment oriented important feature of the industries is that they are skilled labour.The procurement of working capital is the most common and important problem for nearly 45 per cent of the sample small scale industrial units. The entrepreneurs might be using all the resources for procuring fixed capital and finding difficulty to secure working capital. The measures of suggested, to implemented sincerely, can ease out the problems of small scale industries and help their development to a larger extent. What is required most is a positive approach on the part of the Government and financial and other institutions towards the growth of small scale industries of industrial Estates in Kurnool district of Andhra Pradesh. 


How to Cite
Bhaskaru, K., & Rao, R. S. (2014). The Performance of Small Scale Industries: A Study in Industrial Estate of Kurnool District of Andhra Pradesh. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 2(8). Retrieved from