Brazilin Extraction from Secang Wood by Maceration Methods and Application for Leather Dyeing


Entien Darmawati
Ir. Umar Santoso
Sudarmadji .


The research aims to  get brazilin pigment from secang wood (Caesalpinia sappan L) by extraction maceration methods and  dyeing  applications  on  leather (snake crust). The materials used secang wood (dried and fermented treatment),  crust snake leather, and aquadest solvent. The research has been done in  3 (three) phase: (1) The extraction by the maceration method using a water solvent with variations  ratio (material:solvent) w/v, temperature (22-25oC, 40-60oC and 70-100oC),  extraction duration (6,12, 24,30 and 36 hours),  On the characteristic of brazilin pigments from color density and yields, (2) The application of brazilin pigment on snake crust leather by dyeing methods and (3) the color fastness test.  The results shows that the extracted  of brazilin  pigmen  the optimum yield of 4.72%, the color density 4.81oBe (fermented secang) and optimum yield of 3.89%, the color density 3.78oBe (dried secang), at temperature (70-100oC), durations 30 hours. The results shows  dyeing  the absorption optimum optimum the color fastness test  is 5-4 gray scale means good, the color violed-red (fermented secang), and optimum color fastness test is 4-3 gray scale means fair, the color red-violed (dried secang) at the dyeing formula 15,0%  pigmen brazilin concentration, Rpm 12, pH 4,5-5,5. It can be concluded that brazilin pigment from secang wood,  can be used as alternative materias dyes in the leather industry. 


How to Cite
Darmawati, E., Santoso, I. U., & ., S. (2017). Brazilin Extraction from Secang Wood by Maceration Methods and Application for Leather Dyeing. The International Journal of Science & Technoledge, 5(10). Retrieved from