The Application of Natural Dyes Soga Tingi on Tanned Leather for Dyeing with Jumputan Tie Technique


Entien Darmawati
Sutopo .
Sugiyanto .


The purpose of this research is the application of natural dyes from the extraction of Soga Tingi wood (Cereopcandolleana L) on tanned leather for the process of dyeing colors with jumputan tie technique on color absorption and fastness. The material used is wood from Soga Tingi, the leather of sheep wood from Soga Tingi, the leather of sheep crust. Using the experiment method, with 4 (four) stages, namely: (1) Extraction of  Soga Tingi wood counter current variation method(Dry Soga Tingi and Fermented Soga Tingi),(2) Application of natural dyes of Soga Tingi Through Dyeing method with Jumputan Tie technique, variation: (a) Soga Tingi dye concentration, (b) Dyeing time, (c) pH, dan (d) Rpm Turning and, (3) Absorption test and color fastness test for rubbing (wet and dry), Standard assessment using the gray scale and staining scale and the level of difficulty of the jumputan tie technique on sheep crust leather. Data analysis uses Analysis of variance. The results of the application of Soga Tingi dyes containing tannin for tanning the leather of sheep crust using the Throuds dyeing method. At a high concentration of 12.0% dyestuff, optimal% absorption was obtained in the leather of sheep crust 80.0% (Fermented Soga Tingi) and 76.0% (Dry Soga Tingi), pH 4.8 to 5.3, dyeing time 120 minutes and rpm play drum 12. The results of the color fastness test obtained dryness test dry rubbing 5.0 (good)or not fade and wet rub test 3.5 (good enough) on the dry Soga Tingi, and obtained dry rub test dryness value of 4.5 (good good), or not fade and wet rub test 4.0 (good) on SogaTingi Fermentation. The results of the level of difficulty in the application of the tie belt technique on sheep crust, for a single tie technique 20% (low),double tie technique 40% (medium) andcross-tie technique65% (high).



How to Cite
Darmawati, E., ., S., & ., S. (2020). The Application of Natural Dyes Soga Tingi on Tanned Leather for Dyeing with Jumputan Tie Technique. The International Journal of Science & Technoledge, 8(10).