Effective Communication as a Component of Change: A Study on Select Firms of Odisha


Lopamudra Pattnaik
A. K. Das Mohapatra


The dynamic business environment today requires frequent changes to meet the challenges of the competitive world. Traditionally static industries of India such as steel, refractories, textile, cement, mining etc. have also undergone many transformations to survive in the market in past two decades. Change has been an inevitable part of all the competitive organisations. The importance of communication during the change process has been emphasised by many of the researchers. Not only communication establishes to be one of the most vital tools in social life and business management but it is also regarded as an effective medium of organisational change.  This study focuses on communication during change in three different firms from the state Odisha situated in India. The current study reveals that communication in the concerned firms of Odisha has got lot of scope for improvement to facilitate organisational change. Especially, for non-executive employees the communication process can be enhanced. At the same time, informal communication always helps to initiate discussions about the change process. These discussions help to create change readiness among employees.



How to Cite
Pattnaik, L., & Mohapatra, A. K. D. (2016). Effective Communication as a Component of Change: A Study on Select Firms of Odisha. The International Journal of Business & Management, 4(7). Retrieved from https://internationaljournalcorner.com/index.php/theijbm/article/view/126745