Power Availability in Kerala – A Study on the Role of Kerala State Electricity Board, India


Thanseena Bai R.


A high rise in the demand of power in Kerala due to heavy consumption in the various developed sectors as well as regular domestic purposes has been in the limelight for decades and needs crucial addressing by enhancing supply. The epileptic power supply, often falling far below the minimum requirements of the state had been more pronounced due to inability to timely completion of power projects. With the question of restricting consumption being over ruled a number of initiatives not only to generate more electricity but also to prevent misuse and overuse of the resource ha to be explored. The Kerala government has to think of the of the box and even initiate non conventional energy resources rather than relying on environmental non friendly hydroelectric projects on the anvil.


How to Cite
R., T. B. (2016). Power Availability in Kerala – A Study on the Role of Kerala State Electricity Board, India. The International Journal of Business & Management, 4(9). Retrieved from https://internationaljournalcorner.com/index.php/theijbm/article/view/127103