Strategies Adopted by the Industries in India to Deal with the Power Shortage


Thanseena Bai R.


The purpose of this article is to explore the perceptions of the users of electricity and the various strategies which have been adopted by the industry to deal with the problem of the shortage of the power.

The study explores that the perceptions and the explanations of the power shortage is how somewhat totally different. As people consider that the government fault is the major hand in the shortage of power and their efforts seems to be very less in order to improve the situation, hydropower dependencies, energy policies not proper implemented and high demand requires than supply.

The main objective of this article is to explore the perceptions of the industrial staff towards the power supply interruptions and to describe the various strategies adopted by the industries to deal with this drastic problem.



How to Cite
R., T. B. (2016). Strategies Adopted by the Industries in India to Deal with the Power Shortage. The International Journal of Business & Management, 4(9). Retrieved from