Greenwashing in India: A Darker Side of Green Marketing


Raja Mukherjee
Indranath Ghosh


Sporadic growth of green products and ever increasing environmentally conscious consumers are creating an environment where greenwashing is thriving and growing strong. Unraveling certain truth about some companies' ill intention to prove themselves as true green organization has created consumers' skepticism an intriguing issue on a massive scale.

Much research had been done on consumer behaviour on products ill-impact on environment, keeping in mind the life cycle into consideration. The organization is in a hurry to bridge the gap between green consumers' expectation and what they are providing. In this haste some are quite keen in adopting the practice of greenwashing thereby establishing the fact the generation of revenue is given more priority to business ethics.

Indian is not far behind from being affected by this greenwashing. Though Indian economy is a developing one but still the concept of recycling is inherent in Indian consumers. Media in India is playing a key role in uncovering the truth behind greenwashing but the fact sill remains that Indian consumers by and large are still ignorant of environment and its related regulatory issues which could help them in identifying greenwashing.

This paper examines and review literature regarding the mentioned problem which is based on secondary data. The research paper investigates the effect of greenwashing by taking up four cases. The main objective of this paper is to unveil the darker side of green marketing and the sins the organizations are committing by dint of this evil practice. Conclusion and recommendation is made on what consumers should do in identifying greenwashing which will eventually help them in better purchasing decision regarding green products and what should marketers avoid in upholding their green image.


How to Cite
Mukherjee, R., & Ghosh, I. (2014). Greenwashing in India: A Darker Side of Green Marketing. The International Journal of Business & Management, 2(1). Retrieved from